About Dennis Moreland And Mike Callahan

Push Money App system is the brainchild of Mike Callahan and Dennis Moreland. They created this app to make money in trading market but decided to share it with the world to spread the wealth and help people like you make their dreams come true.

Dennis Moreland and Mike Callahan

Dennis Moreland and Mike Callahan

Dennis has always been an entrepreneur. He has created a lot of successful online businesses. In 2009, he was looking to link up with big players in the stock market and the real estate market as he wanted to to start investing in these markets. He wanted to diversify his business portfolio as he already had several highly successful online businesses.In 2009, he met Mike Callahan in a tennis club.

Mike was running a real estate company at that time and he helped Dennis get into real estate market. They ended up working very well together and Dennis closed his first profitable real estate deal with the help of Mike.

At the same time, Mike was looking for some help as he wanted to invest in stocks. Dennis had already made great connections with some of the most talented people in the top brokerage firms in the world. Dennis helped Mike get started in the world of stock market investing.

Denny and Mike started working together and made a deal with owner of one of the top brokerage firms in the world. The three of them worked together to develop a system that literally printed money. They made a lot of money with this system.

Once they were comfortable with the system, they invested a lot of money to hire top programmers and industry experts to automate the system. Once the system was automated, they were making money hand over fist and it turned out to be the best way to make money.

In fact, they were so successful with this application that Dennis sold all his other online businesses and Mike also sold his real estate company to focus solely on this application. It turned out to be the best decision of their life and they started making a lot of money.

Unfortunately, as usually happens, the third partner got greedy and started stealing money from the company. The partner was eventually caught after doing these shady things for over two years. It was a very hurtful experience for Mike and Dennis as they trusted their partner and could not believe that someone stole from them.

Since the partner was caught stealing, he was in breach of agreement and instead of filing criminal charges, Dennis and Mike decided to buy out their partner at less than the agreed price in the original partnership agreement.

After getting rid of their cheating partner, Mike and Dennis focused on running the business together as the app was already built and running. Danny and Mike decided to open a new company and name it Push Money as it adequately represented their brand.

Why Are They Sharing Their Money Making Formula?

They are doing this for two reasons. One reason is that it is personal for them and they also want to help people who fall for these online scams by giving them the opportunity to make some real money.

They recently discovered that their ex-partner who was caught stealing from them has opened a new company and has copied the exact system that all three of them developed together. That partner is planning to launch that software on the market for a price of close to $10,000 a month. Dennis and Mike have talked to the lawyers but it will be difficult to stop that partner with unique code in application.

So, they decided to share this application to stop their ex-partner from scamming people and help people like you make money. Mike and Dennis think that as more people get access to the money making system for free, fewer people will fall for online scams.

They want to save people from falling from online money making scams by helping them make money with the help of the application that took thousands of hours and over $1 million to develop.

How Mike and Dennis Helped Others Make Money?

Before taking their company public (taking public means giving others access to the application), they wanted to test this application. They wanted to run the test to ensure that anyone can open an account and make money with the system. They did not want to take any chances.

So, they decided to recruit a beta group of testers by randomly selecting some locals who were looking to make money. They decided to recruit people by Facebook ads and within three days, they had successfully selected a small group of beta testers for testing their application.

The beta testers included Jerry Douglas, Francine Davis, Ana Patterson, Brett Armstrong and Charles Root among others.

Brett Armstrong had just become a father of twins when he saw the advertisement for beta testers. He applied for it as he was looking to make money to pay the medical bills. He was selected from hundreds of other applications and within six months, he was able to make enough money to pay off all the medical bills with plenty to go around.

Francine Davis’s goals were to lose weight and make enough money to start her own business. In six months of beta testing, she made enough money to quit her job and start her own boutique with her sister.

Ana Patterson wanted to buy her own home. During six months of beta testing, she was not only able to put the down payment on a dream home but she was also thinking about buying a 10 unit multifamily apartment complex to start her own real estate business.

Charles Root wanted to make some money for his grand kids. Within six months of beta testing, he was able to make over half a million dollars which he deposited into a trust fund for his grand kids.

Jerry Douglas wanted to enjoy life and it was not possible to enjoy life without money. So, he applied to be a beta tester and luck was on his side as he was selected from a group of hundreds of applicants.
Within six months he had made enough money to live the life of his dreams.

In addition to these five beta testers in the initial group, a number of other people were also given access to the system and all of them made thousands of dollars within a short period of time.

How Mike and Dennis Can Help You Make Money with Push Money App System?


The name of this application is obvious. It is a true push money system. The users of this application do not need to do anything except push some buttons to start making money.

The application is completely free and works on every platform. It is an online app which means that you can use any device such as your computer or your smart phone to access the system. Once you open an account, you are required to make an initial deposit of just $250 with a recommended broker. Mike and Dennis have tied up with one of the biggest brokers in the world to help their clients make money.

Once you make the initial deposit, you do not need to do anything and the software does everything for you. You do not need to have any experience to make money with this system.

Many people such as the beta testers mentioned above have made hundreds of thousands of dollars with the help of the system during the beta testing phase. Now, Mike and Dennis have decided to give a few more people access to their system to help people like you make their dreams come true.

The only thing you need to do is to open an account and wait for money to pour into your account.

What are you waiting for?

Click below to open an account with the Push Money system today and start making life changing money.

Push Money app

9 thoughts on “About Dennis Moreland And Mike Callahan”

  1. Hello,

    I wish I could join the others lucky ones. The problem is my bank account is well in the red, I am full of debts, and do not even have 250 dollars to start pushing any kind of button, unfortunately.

    So I wonder why I have been chosen, even if I have been asking the Universe for the last 2 years to help me with finding a way out.

    Thanks for taking the time to answer me if you have some sppare time.

    I am about to launch a business of my own based on massages, sophrology and personal developmetn coaching (I’ve just bagan the AZL from Martin Latulippe), so that you know.

    There is nothing I can do at the moment but wait another opportunity to fill in my bank account so that I reach the 250 dollars you are asking me/us.

  2. Hi im steve broughton i funded my broker on the 29/02/16 with £250 due to me working i missed there phone calls . im asking for help from you guys as ive been on other sites and lost alot of money would it be possilbe if someone can contact me to help me sort my account out so i can start trading and hopefully regain my lost money please can someone help me regards


  4. I funded my acct this morning after being directed to Morten Finance website. I have heard nothing from push money or Morton Financial and can’t find any phone numbers for customer support.
    I am hoping this will get to someone who can help me!

  5. I would like to have push money in my application. Please help me because my family very poorly and money help them out. Thanks you beforehand Mr. Dennis Moreland..!

  6. I think I like this application as I have seen the advertisement on facebook. But I do not know whether people like myself here in Papua New Guinea can be eligible to apply to open an account with the Push Money System.

  7. I am interested and if I can be given a chance to do open an account. I think I will be the first one from this part of the World.

    Thank you,

    Sam Tanda

  8. Hello I joined yesterday but have a problem.
    I had a phone call from Dalton Finance,but couldn’t understand his talk.
    I then recive a call from another broker who say they had complaints from
    people on Dalton Finance.
    On The webinar they said to invest in there broker.
    What is there broker as i have seen 3 so far?
    I invested $500 to Dalton Finance, so how do i get my money back.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Reverend Gary Pitser

  9. Hi you say I have been excepted I have paid you $800 you say I have a payment but were has it gone need to contact you please end email.


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