Spend all day at work, even if you hate your job, and then come home so that you can go to sleep. Tomorrow, you wake up and repeat the process. Somewhere in the week, you might get a day off. Keep doing this for 60 years and then you might get to retire one day. Or you could completely lose that retirement fund. Does this sound at all familiar?
It’s the unfortunate reality that a lot of people have to deal with. It’s the model life most of us are taught that we must live sooner or later. Work all of our life, probably hate our jobs, and then one day we just might get to retire. Unfortunately, by the time we retire, we’ll be too old to get out and have fun like we used to.
The Other Way. – WiFi Millionaire
Luckily, there is another way. A way to get around this repetitive system of work-sleep-work. To be honest, there are a few different alternative paths, but the one outlined by Matt Lloyd in his new book, “Wifi Millionaire” has to be one of the easiest for the average Joe to achieve. It doesn’t require an expensive degree, some extreme genius, or anything out of the ordinary. Just a willingness to read a book and apply what you have learned.
The WiFi Millionaire is a rather extraordinary book that is being sold to people across the globe for only $3 a pop. Inside the book are guidelines, tips, and philosophies that you can apply to your life to help you break away from the boring routine mentioned above. However, there’s more than that. The book also points readers in the direction of the 21 step MOBE program, which is a concept led by Matt Lloyd that has helped countless people earn six figures or more every year.
A Reputable Name.
Let’s be honest, there are quite a few different books on the market today that claim they can help you pull your life together in a way that leads to profitability. This certainly isn’t the first e-book that contains money making tips and an angle that promotes the book writer’s other money-making program. So what makes this book any different than the dozens that already exist?
It starts with the author. When it comes to helping people make money, Matt Lloyd is a bit of a celebrity. He is a role model in a market that is filled with shams, scams, and plenty of spam.
For example, if you were to take 5 random money making opportunities from the web and investigate the people behind them, do you know what you find? You would find out that the people who created those “automated trading systems” or “million dollars a day programs” don’t even exist. They are fake names, fake stories, and fake actors playing in the videos.
Matt Lloyd stands out because he is a respectable businessman, an accomplished professional, and a sought-after consultant. His name isn’t just on this one product. It’s all over the web. He constantly shares information and advice with other aspiring entrepreneurs. Matt Lloyd is real and he has a reputable name. That means a lot in this industry.
Matt’s 21 Steps.
This book is filled with a lot of great advice. However, if you want to use this book to completely escape the 9-to-5 routine then there’s one piece of advice that you can’t ignore. You’ll find that this book has a not-so-subtle push for the 21 step training program by MOBE.
That might seem like a greedy tactic, but that program is the one concrete solution that you can use to stop chasing retirement and start living your life. It’s the same program Matt himself used, but with a few improvements. The same program that lets him do a few hours of work while sitting on a beach in the Cancun while making thousands of dollars in a day.
The 21 step training program has a lot to offer and you don’t have to break the bank to get started. If you were to take one piece of advice away from this book, it’s that you need to investigate the training program. Of course, you’re never advised to throw your money at something based entirely on the words of others. So take your time to review the program, go through a few of the steps, speak to the coaches, and see how you personally feel about the program.
A Brief Glimpse At The Steps.
All of the steps are a bit too complex to cover here, but it’s worth mentioning a few of them just so you understand what the Wifi Millionaire book is really promoting. First, you need to know that the training program, and the content of the book, is all about the concept of selling high priced products for huge commissions.
Consider that there are hundreds of thousands of affiliate marketers around the globe. A lot of them sell very small, cheap products and make very tiny commissions. They have to sell thousands of products before they make a decent income. On the other hand, there are some affiliates who only sell extremely expensive products. For every one product they sell, they make a sizable commission. Overall, it takes less work on their behalf and they make more money.
The first of the 21 steps discusses this concept in much greater detail. It talks about why selling high priced products is a great opportunity and how you can use the tools available from MOBE. Following this are about 14 more educational steps. Prior to each step, you speak with an online coach via Skype regarding some of the details as well as any questions.
Once you pass the basic educational phase you are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. From there, the steps dive into some of the secrets of the business masterminded by Matt himself. Those who make it this far almost always walk away making more than they did before.
Is The eBook For You.

The book alone is great and is definitely worth the $3 it costs. However, the book alone might not help you become a millionaire. You’ll need to follow the advice inside, which includes using the 21 step training program. The product is by no means a scam, though. Plenty of people have read the book, followed the advice, and are making seven figures a year now because of it.